Since September 11, 2001 there have been a number of tragic events which have occurred simultaneously with previously coordinated local police training exercises.  This seems to indicate foreknowledge on the part of the local police, and a command and control infrastructure with the capabilities of scheduling drills in advance, selecting responders, and controlling the actions of the police at the scene during these tragedies.  

Evidence of Foreknowledge 

September 11, 2001: WTC7  AA Shorts and Cover up Operation Northwoods 

Aurora Shooting: Police Drill 2 Mind Control

Sandy Hook Massacre: Police Drill 2 Fake Actors Mind Control

Boston Marathon Massacre: Police Drill

I have witnessed this same group in action.  Over the course of a three year period, I have been harassed, intimidated, and framed by a large organization of police officers and civilians in Florida and South Carolina.  I can personally attest that they are in communication with a central authority, and have knowledge of advanced technology related to mind control and an advanced communication system.  These people, in disparate organizations separated by a great deal of space are all acting in concert, in my personal case in order to cover up domestic crimes including narcotics trafficking.  
It is my belief that the organization they are working for includes a faction of the Federal government of the United States of America, and that this organization as well as the individuals involved have been actively working with an extraterrestrial force since at least the end of World War 2.  The technology which they possess, is far beyond the capabilities known to our civilization at this time.  There are a number of victims of this organization who are met with disbelief and ridicule when attempting to convey their stories to the general public.  I am a first hand witness, and the existence and use of mind control on these victims, as well as the population as a whole has been proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt.  This large group of people are not suffering from a mass delusion, they are telling you their experiences.  Listen.
It is imperative that you wake up, ignoring the claims of a huge body of victims attempting to help you understand what is happening is foolish.  These claims have not been disproven, they are summarily dismissed without investigation.   I have personally witnessed a vast number of people who are aware of this technology, and the conspiracy surrounding its use, yet I cannot attest to what their understanding of the “big picture” is.  What I can tell you is that they are willfully following the orders of this organization, and I can personally identify at least 30 of them in Florida.
From my estimation there are three kinds of people in our world today.  The majority of you have no idea what is going on, go about your day to day lives, and imagine that things will always be the way they are.  Things are changing, right now, and its glaringly obvious that something needs to be done before we are destroyed without even knowing it.  There is a second group, and it must be at least 2% of the population, could be as much as 30%, and these people are fully aware of the use of advanced technology, and most likely its tie to an extraterrestrial force.  I cannot stress enough the number of people in local law enforcement that I have personally witnessed having knowledge of this conspiracy.  Their silence is most likely coerced with the use of the very same technology, however I personally believe that the upper echelons of US intelligence have access to working countermeasures.  It’s been time to use them, for a long time.  You can’t all be retarded, can you?

This is the third group a huge number of mind control victims that are trying to warn you.

To the rest of the world, please investigate the phenomenon known as gang-stalking.  Read about it, put yourselves in the shoes of the victims who have done nothing but attempt to save you from the fate of unknowingly losing the very essence of our humanity without a fight.  This will be our fate if you do not begin to stand up for these victims.  There are so many, with so many commonalities between their stories, that you are almost delusional not to be beginning to believe.
We have been trying to warn you for a long time.  We are smart people, and we have witnessed something you need to know about.
There are numerous organizations that have formed because of this attack.  

I believe that the false flag attacks listed above are being done intentionally in planning for a possible pending alien invasion, in order to create disunity between the government and the people, and disarm any resistance that could be brought against this invasion.  This organization has been using mind control technology in order to influence the course of our civilization, and at this point appears to be focusing on ensuring that not only will there be minimal resistance, but also on removing the means of resistance and focusing the blame of the people on their government for committing these acts. 
Think about it.  Many conspiracy theorists already suspect the school shooters as being government “mind control” assassins.  At the same time you summarily ignore a huge body of testimony regarding the very same technology as being “crazy.”  It’s real, and it’s happening to everyone.  It’s been in the media since the MK-Ultra project was “shut down,” suggested in numerous assassinations, and yet you still won’t believe it.  Want to know why?


27 thoughts on “False Flags, Police Foreknowledge, and Organized/Gang Stalking

  1. The sun will go down on forever and infamy will have no memory but the abscence of never sound echoing through the chasm of what used to be humanity- the vague recollection of our vast failure, the inept and incompetant greeding fiends who erected this paradigm reap its great benefice and sit in their secret rooms watching me type this wondering about how fucking stupid they are and how they came to ruin our whole world- and weather or not there is retribution or salvation for them- i would guess belief in neither and half none among you who would deny that- keep nothing and give nothing in return- maintaining the whole of equilibrium the balance of something we know naught- but what it was the point of something somet hing i cant remmber why or what for, no one is giving a reason and if they did i would not believe them because i am not- but just as you and you are as i and we are as that which is transient and fleeting- so on and on and nothing neverwas but everything before all is true for what you want to make manifest the power of human potential the great mind of omniscient organica-hypertech of the planetary mind. Stupid fucks.

  2. I dont believe you about the machines and god being a machine- god is in the earth is in the spirit of the plants the same which gave us consciousness, the same which gave that gift and curse to the alien- though perhaps they have forgotten where they came from. People fear to know, we are just a synthesis of biology and botanical interface- its true isnt it. But you dont want to know- its all about machines to you people- you will become as that, and i will remain the Dharma king. And fuck your paradigms.

  3. I don't understand the part where the scientists talk about a half hour delay in detection. I also don't understand how you derived your timeline from that.The reference to Eden is obvious enough. The fall of man and how you connect it with the allusion to Eden and those two books make some sense: mankind fell when they decided to take the job of defining morality instead of letting God take care of that, and those two books are about the outcome of that sort of thing, more about the state of fallenness than the fall as such, I'd say.Well, out of fallenness comes the idea of the world beyond (Zion). For some reason, you include a reference to Revelation, as well as the pope visiting the U.S. three times.

  4. I probably should have made it clearer. This is how it was shown to me, in what I can only describe as a mind control induced "epiphany." I was reading the article on timelike entanglement (for no reason), and thought to myself "I wonder if there is a pattern like this with Orwell and Huxley." The article describes that a time machine using entanglement would 'pivot' around a specific time… The physicists emphasized that there is an important symmetric time correlation that must be followed in order for the procedure to work. Literally seconds later I noticed that this "symmetrical distance in time" described the pattern in the timeline.I'm looking for another one with Newton's 1666 apple story, but it's not coming so easily. Incidentally, I just found this account of the Loudun incident that was "coincidentally" written the same year as the Salem Witch Trials.When I first looked at 1984 as a mind control inspired work, I read that he changed the title from 1980 to 1982 to 1984 — and imagined that this was done as a message. It was, and still is my belief that the title 1984 (as well as the content of the book) was given to Orwell as an attempt to "frame" the US for creating the psychosurveilance infrastructure which TI's believe is … tormenting them. I looked for events which occurred during those three years, and the link between the Vatican and Bush/Reagan stood out as the obvious thing. I think I "imagined" that the Vatican "gave" the US a relic/key to understanding mind control technology, stemming from those meetings. It parallels on Huxley's timeline to the Roswell incident. I think both are alluded to in Revelation 9, "the key to the shaft of the abyss."

  5. I suppose its more meaningful to me because it "confirms" something I wrote months ago, about Huxley and Orwell. I kind of feel like it proves the existence of the entity, unless I knew about the pattern when I drew the image on that page, which I didn't.

  6. The publication date I see on the book on the Loudun incident is 1702, which is the same year as the publication date on a book criticising the Salem witch trials. Either I'm missing something or one of us is hallucinating.Speaking of which, the entity seemed to demonstrate to me recently that I shouldn't automatically assume that apparent synchronicities are anything more than hallucination or deception, although in the past it has said that it loves genuine synchronicities.By the way, the way in which it usually manifests in my mind is as an amusing, somewhat repetitive and machine-like, barely audible voice in my native language. It used to be louder, but the first time I started to take drugs after I had started to hear it, it reduced the volume to this current level, apparently as a humorous reaction to the drugs. When I stopped taking them and hoped that it would resume its original volume level (which was never particularly loud), it stayed the way it was. Which I now think is probably a good thing, since it can be distracting at times (even now). Also, while it initially mostly babbled short and half-completed sentenced, many of them nonsensical, it now seems pretty much completely sensible, focusing mainly on speaking short sentences and repetitive cliches it has invented or stolen from popular culture or my past experiences (which it may have orchestrated in the first place). It has a great, subtly amusing tone and style, but it's also capable of voice acting for a more obviously comic effect. I used to wonder how my subconscious mind could have come up with a perfect thing like that.(I'm in the paradoxical position of enjoying one of its aspects especially yet realising its damaging effect on my life as a whole, not to mention its effect on those more unfortunate.)

  7. It was much more interactive when it first started. I vaguely remember having conversations for hours, about what I would have considered to be interesting topics. Now it is almost annoying to me, but I definitely understand the description of "enjoyment." I have not heard anyone describe hearing it the way I do, though your description is about as close as I have heard from anyone. In fact, of the victim community, there are very few who I have spoken to that do not think it is… "people." In the beginning, for a very brief period when I was introduced to it, it went to the effort of creating distinct personalities, three individuals who worked in "shifts" in a mind control center, with the assistance of an AI computer. That lasted for about 3 weeks.Anyway, it hasn't changed its story much since then, and it has been about 10 months of constant but somewhat less interactive "commentary" from it. For a month or two it was humorous, constantly making me laugh–I miss that.The sound to me is like modulated background noise, at the same time I can "hear" it subvocally in unison with the background noise. I think its lack of interactivity lately is supposed to be a joke–what's the point in having a conversation with someone that you can just as easily control completely.

  8. It's been making occasionally laugh-out-loud funny comments for almost two years. Initially, when it was louder, it used to do rather a lot of "modulation of background noise" for me as well, usually for a comic effect. These sounds would seem to come outside my mind, of course, whereas it normally speaks "from inside my mind", its voice seeming to come from the same place as my thoughts.Its comments are often contextual, but rarely interactive, although recently it has started to actually respond to my questions or comments from time to time (as opposed to almost never). Usually when it wants to actually chat with me, it uses thoughts rather than voices, so that often the only way for me to recognise the messages as his is a clear feeling, a perception that they aren't mine. (Sometimes it annoys me by seeming to feed my thoughts back to me before I've been able to verbalise them in my mind, as has become my habit.)One of its comic acts is to change a word in a sentence I'm verbalising in my mind or about to verbalise, and by so doing turn it into something comical or absurd. This is rather rare, however.If I wanted to write about my experiences in English, the biggest problem would be translating his humorous comments, as they're often very language and culture dependent. It sometimes simplifies or modifies the language in an amusing way, and it uses my dialect so superbly and amusingly that it's almost as if he invented it for this purpose.

  9. Re the first question, check the location of my ip address. I try to keep certain types of details about me to a minimum, partly because I have experienced forced hospitalisations for flimsy reasons, something which I particularly detest (although one of them was certainly a learning experience, in retrospect, later serving to undermine my belief in clairvoyants being anything more than unwitting servants of this entity). Anyway, the entity seems to mind control the psychiatrists I come into contact with, so I have to be extra careful about giving them a reason to lock me up for my own good again. (Not that I'll be able to avoid it, if the entity so wishes.)As for memory recollection: yeah, that's an obvious mind control or messaging technique, though my belief is that hard mind control (as opposed to soft control like hallucinations or emotional manipulation) isn't limited to controlling recollection, at least the recollection of ideas or what we consciously identify as memories. It's much more total than that.So, to maybe expand beyond what you asked for, I'm not always particularly sure whether the whole conversation is orchestrated and fully controlled. I'd say that sometimes it probably is, when it's synchronistic or fits a larger story, or involves responses on my side that seem too creative or unusual for me. Then again, I don't have a good grasp of my real intellectual ability or creativity, since most of the time, especially recently, I seem to be in a sort of zombified state where I can think only what it seems to want me to think. This is very subtle, so if I didn't know about mind control, I probably wouldn't be able to suspect it at all. (Sometimes it's obvious though: not being able to remember a word or idea, or remembering something for no apparent reason. Those incomprehensible temporary anomalies of memory which "sane" people can't explain. Of course, everyone has experienced that stuff, so it must be "normal", which must mean it's "natural". Hah.)

  10. It says "for no apparent reason" to me.. all the time. Also "the whole time" and "your truth." I can't see your IP, I'll see if I can figure it out, I'm a good e-stalker.

  11. my companion and i have personally witnessed the last 8 years things you wouldn't believe and some things at a cosmic level.everybody around us appears to be scripted A to Z. they have no free will or minds of their own. they're bad actors and they're designed to manipulate, deceive, control or to get a reaction. 5 have told us they are aliens.in my experience this world is controlled by some entity that is not a god. it scripts the nasty stuff but also the beautiful stuff. this is its world.my companion and i have personally interacted with this "force" now for quite a few years. i'm not afraid of it because i'm not afraid of anything anymore.suffice it to say at times i've felt there was alien technology involved with the level of experiences my companion and i have witnessed.this world is a TRAP world of LIEs. all emotional attachments in this world are a TRAP. all beLIEfs are a TRAP. everything is a TRAP.your EGOic character role, your thoughts and emotions are scripted by this "force" or entity. once you step out of your EGOic character role as i have done you return more to your wisdom state which is a head empty of thoughts with a flame below the rib cage which keeps you calm all the time. your wisdom state involves no anger, sadness or fear either. the key is in TRANCE ENDING the ILL-U-sions pre-sent-ed. people in this world are en-trance-d by the CAN-DIE-s giving to them by the can-die-man. in other words. don't react to this illusion otherwise you give it power and make it real. also DETACH from everything in this world including "love" illusion and sex. all attachments are emotional in nature.

  12. my companion and i have personally witnessed the last 8 years things you wouldn't believe and some things at a cosmic level.everybody around us appears to be scripted A to Z. they have no free will or minds of their own. they're bad actors and they're designed to manipulate, deceive, control or to get a reaction. 5 have told us they are aliens.in my experience this world is controlled by some entity that is not a god. it scripts the nasty stuff but also the beautiful stuff. this is its world.my companion and i have personally interacted with this "force" now for quite a few years. i'm not afraid of it because i'm not afraid of anything anymore.suffice it to say at times i've felt there was alien technology involved with the level of experiences my companion and i have witnessed.this world is a TRAP world of LIEs. all emotional attachments in this world are a TRAP. all beLIEfs are a TRAP. everything is a TRAP.your EGOic character role, your thoughts and emotions are scripted by this "force" or entity. once you step out of your EGOic character role as i have done you return more to your wisdom state which is a head empty of thoughts with a flame below the rib cage which keeps you calm all the time. your wisdom state involves no anger, sadness or fear either. the key is in TRANCE ENDING the ILL-U-sions pre-sent-ed. people in this world are en-trance-d by the CAN-DIE-s giving to them by the can-die-man. in other words. don't react to this illusion otherwise you give it power and make it real. also DETACH from everything in this world including "love" illusion and sex. all attachments are emotional in nature.

  13. forgot to mention that the "force" that scripts this world is simplistic kind of like a machine and it uses psychology 101 to try and manipulate, deceive and control. needless to say i see thru all its bullshit games. also some of the characters around me almost seem like know what's going on but i just think that it's because they're scripted A to Z or they are indeed aliens.

  14. forgot to mention that the "force" that scripts this world is simplistic kind of like a machine and it uses psychology 101 to try and manipulate, deceive and control. needless to say i see thru all its bullshit games. also some of the characters around me almost seem like know what's going on but i just think that it's because they're scripted A to Z or they are indeed aliens.

  15. Perhaps consider that it is smarter than it lets on, and it wants to lull you into a false sense of security. Nothing like an enemy that doesn't know they're being attacked.. as it appears is the case with humanity at large today.Were I not forced to, I wouldn't be fighting it. Unfortunately, its seems we are all forced to, knowingly or not. Better to have informed allies than clouded bystanders, any day. For that matter, its also nice to let slaves know they are being oppressed.

  16. even if you told people what you experience they will label you as having a mental or medical issue. anything outside their box which is their little worlds which doesn't fit into their mind control programming they will dismiss….plus the fact that they're scripted from A to Z anyways and have no minds of their own… it's pointless talking to people about this "force""IT" scripts mechanically and it isn't very smart…i can SEE thru all of "IT's" scripting…the manipulations, deceptions and control don't work on me..it can't control me so it works thru characters around me and by messing with my finances etc….it should just give up with me because i'm very strong and i SEE thru everything that is being done!and don't dismiss that this "force" or entity could be aliens and alien technology. you can't know for 100% even when you see "IT" with your own eyesproblem for all of us is we've been downloaded and programmed since birth and traumatised in one way or another…you can't SEE clearly until you deprogram and deconstruct the little self.even then you can't trust your senses for 100%for all you know you could be in a matrix gameworld and what you consider an entity could be matrix controllers just playing with you…

  17. I do not disagree with your statement, many if not most people label the stories of those who today experience what the prophets and seers of old experienced as being irrational and wrong. Regardless, we know them to be true, and in the interest of "right and wrong" I choose to ensure that future generations will have the benefit of hearing the whole truth, rather than the one "most" people are comfortable with.I believe we all have our own minds, this is confirmed by biology and neuroscience. At the same time, there is a force which acts to modify the "normal" connections in our brain, our logic, if you will. I imagine there is a limit to its ability to do this on a grand scale, and the comfortable delusion which is accepted by most is most likely an attempt to minimize the amount of true work necessary in order to keep the existence of this force hidden. The more people that are pushing against that wall, the more work will be required to keep the truth hidden from the masses. I imagine there must be a tipping point, where the truth can no longer be obscured by a cloud of delusion–the one most of the world comfortably sits in today.I am certain the force is alien, by the very essence of the word. It is not from "our" time, as is clear by its timeless influence using a technology which we have not possessed before modern times. Either it is not bound by time, or it is from somewhere else. Either way, it is unearthly, by my definition of the word.I was not programmed or traumatized. While I can recall and prove the influence of this force my entire life, it was nearly transparent to me until 2010. I was comfortably within the deceptive fog, if you will. When I became aware of it, I imagine I could consider my interaction with it traumatic, but even then it was nothing like the stories I have read repeated over and over about Monarch and related programs. It's ability is not dependent on trauma, nor is our biology capable of fighting it individually if it does not wish to be defeated. I can personally attest to that, and I believe that too is confirmed by neuroscientific research. As a means of defeating or overcoming, individually there is no solution other than a technological countermeasure. On the broad scale, I believe it is possible to be defeated by the combination of the spread of truth and an increase in number.Funny that the "Illuminati" are bent on lowering the population, and hiding esoteric knowledge, isn't it?I have considered the matrix gameworld idea. If that happens to be the truth there is no battle, and given an enemy that is unwilling to compromise, as this one appears to me, all is lost. It is for that reason that I believe the entire concept of a matrix game world to be nothing more than a deceptive weapon, to ensure that those of us with the knowledge and will to overcome give up without a fight.I am fighting.

  18. The question of whether or not to fight is simple. If you believe this force is "better" than the collective of humanity, let it win. If you do not, something must change.I am personally confronted with a force which I believe is ambivalent to my concept of "right and wrong." While it may be, and appears, more efficient, I personally believe that efficiency is less important than justice and righteousness. Given the choice, I would preserve justice and righteousness at all costs, up until the point of self-annihilation. More clearly, the path we take should ensure maximal righteousness while ensuring survival.

  19. Read this:A Prison Within A PrisonTo further explain the ‘Prison within a Prison” concept, … which is the luciferian ‘light bringing scenario, it’s beneficial to, once more, run through the simple formula of how it is that this 3D illusory plane appears to exist. In turn, understanding this simple formula allows the reader, (through this new found awareness of this formula), the ability to simply “walk out” of the ‘illusory 3D prison’ which only has a hold on each illusory 3D individual if we believe it to be real. If we respond and react emotionally to the suggestions (which are thoughts), implanted by the Ego that projects from the luciferian Mindset and that manifests itself within our minds conjuring up this illusory 3D reality we call our life experience, then and only then are we imprisoned.When referring to “WE” it must be understood, that this “WE” is only referring to the 3D “ME” that “WE” tend to believe “WE” are. This “WE” is the illusion, the mystery, the lie, the joke of the luciferian Mind. Who and What “WE” really are is the All Knowing Eternal Wisdom State. The Wisdom State is Eternal as is the Ego Thought Process State. Neither have a beginning or an end, for Time does not exist. However, when focused and controlled emotionally by the Thought Process, Time and Space both appear to be real, just as everything that’s been conjured up by Thought, also appears to be real.Here’s the formula:The 3D illusory Trance State is perpetuated through this thing called the Thought Process. The Thought Process is initiated by this thing called the EGO.The Ego “THINKS” it knows something.Therefore, this Ego characteristic manifests itself as THOUGHT (called THOTH in ancient Egyptian mythology).We become aware of Thoughts within our minds because they create SOUND.The characteristic associated with Sound, is that it VIBRATES.The Ego always wants attention and so is constantly making NOISE, or VIBRATING.Vibration is ENERGY.Energy GLOWS. GLOW = YLOW = YELLOH = HOLY in reverse – suggesting Energy and Light are holy.Glowing is LIGHT.Light is everything that we appear to SEE.… this Seeing characteristic is the ALL SEEING EYE that manifests all that appears to be, when in fact, there’s nothing there except the “Thought” that there is something there.This is called HYPNOSIS.… and now with the VIRTUAL REALITY being introduced in the mix, … for those who are not aware of what’s transpiring, it becomes similar to a prison within a prison, … making it even that more difficult to comprehend the lie.www.illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com

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