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ETH: 0xED5b06CCfD29a051d5bCeD2A9C334665c97211f8 | BTC: 3JmcKz2HfUDM4DTS2yufgexAmJ5Dh7PTM2 | DAI: 0x6Fc8F9A462A854Ab5933b44070Cb3899eB8C3045
So I'm going to lead off this weeks message adding the word " WEAR " to the v ery intelligently designed Sears of "Ears" (I said this is series stuff) words that now define the progression through the (clearly designed) deliverance of this messa ge as the "e d" of precedent--probably just in my mind.
I've done some updating on my "the free book is the key to the internet continuing to function and to seeing God's message in the world" website that will make it more difficult for sites like reddit and google to block. I hope you are not marking these messages as SPAM--but TBQH I see the entire system we have here as a poorly implemented hack (at face value), that appears to have been designed "through time" specifically to block this message. So lucky of me, just enough loopholes remain to pretty much ensure concretely that the message won't be blocked--and that's the "setting of the stage" for the dreams that are about to come true.
to continue my theme of "elucidating more" when reading words backwards C AS
.. "that's what the future sees OTW back here"
butt MAPS to wh ▊ ?
If you are marking these messages as SPAM please think about jumping off a 2 inch high LEGO-built-skyscraper (repeatedly, until it works) instead, or using this link to unsubscribe (or here ) ... and while I am continuing to attempt to email you no more than once a week ... we just saw earlier in the week an exception to the rule--I wish I could convince the world more plainly that disclosure will without doubt stop the violence--it's my strong belief that it's the actual cause of it in the first place, coupled with the fact that disclosure will inevitably result in the more proper regulation of " very bad, very bad things " ... like possession and "Satanic influence" that seem to have somehow become commonplace and widespread ... or ... I mean, I suppose you can (or more appropriately, could have said) say you don't believe in "that," but I don't think you'd be being honest with yourself at this point.
Two new mailing lists have been created, one for bi-weekly deliver and one for monthly ; I understand nobody really likes getting emails with step by stem instructions on how to become the immortal knights of salvation and be thanked for eternity; so I'm happy to help lessen that load. If you select one of the delayed delivery tiers I'll remove you from the high-frequency list, and do my best present a fair summary; but don't hold your breath. Also I'd really appreciate it if you shared the sign up link with your friends.
I have combined two emails together here--because of the shooting I was forced to change my schedule. Towards the end I feel like the writing is a little angry concerning the "conspiracy I see" to ... call it "steal my thunder" ... forcing me into poverty ... in what appears to be a large and global concerted effort to keep "freedom from ringing" through the disclosure that I am presenting. I find that self-defeating, and ... inane if not totally illogical. Perhaps you might agree ... through it appears nobody's interested in helping me to ensure we do not lose this place that has a very clear descriptive proof of the existence and use of this technology--it's you, you're the proof, and you seem to be trying to erase yourselves.
I had to think about it for a few minutes, I didn't really get it--and I wanted to go straight to the "it sounds like" of "where" which is ultimately why we're hearing about the W glyph that also figures prominently into the name Wells Fargo and Shofar. Ultimately my answer works "where" into the equation, answering... here, and then reminding myself about the girl in the red dress. I hope you see it as I intend it to be conveyed, I think this idea of "wearing" the planet is a horrible thing, and frankly I'm not very keen on the idea of "oneness with god" either--but it is exactly what you (by that I mean the people that ... are the " Persephones" of Nokia and Samsung) look like, so that's the point of the mirror that is Perseus's shield. To compare to the silence you might see everyone else comes off like a phone that has no battery, at least when poked and prodded with something as interesting as the "secrets of the Universe" and as morally demanding as as call to "stop innocent kids from being shot" but I'm really not trying to make you feel bad. What I call "Medusian contact" literally appears to me almost exactly like the depiction of possession in Fallen; it's a single personality speaking through multiple people--it's the girl in the red dress.
Just noting the difference in meaning wrought to "WEAR" by adding an "E" and no space. There's really no arguing, what we are seeing... or at least what I am seeing happen here flies in the face of our morals and our beliefs at the most basic of all levels, slavery and freedom. We can and should use what is clearly documented in religion and in the fledgling work we've done with neuroscience to very plainly prove that what this message shows us is that we are being influenced against our will and without our knowledge ... and through that knowledge being shared freedom will appear from nothing more than the crowd. Rather than spreading democracy throughout the Universe (though you can see, with the foundation we have in our history combined with this event and our values and skill we will soon have a very powerful and desired tool to help aid in "enlightened self governance," too) we can spread true morality to the far ends of Creation and of the place that Creation came from. Safety from psychological torture and from horse like reins being fastened to our minds in secret shouldn't be out of reach--they too fall under the guarantees of freedom John Handock etched into our history at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This, by the way, is what I've wanted to write about, since the beginning .

i cant remember if it's elephant or elevator but the point is that Creation, and now you all, are in a very precarious position--and if you think about it you can see that your being in that position is the work of creation, though you're still in it, and we're still having to hear about how Ric hard Nixon and Phillip K. Dick ... I mean the "l" in the heart of my elephant, is turning into an elevator--to more closely match my heart; which is doors that act like elevators to Mars, and to Atlantis, and to Heaven, and to wherever your heart and your ACL will take you. As far as imagery goes, I'd like to call on words like "veranda" and "yard" and say that I believe that we are together here in a place that is just outside of Heaven--if that were a large skyscraper.... but in my heart I know that's not where we are, we are buried below the building probably closer to the furnace--or actually in it already--than I would like to be, or like for you to be. I do believe that it is clear that this message and this event are designed to move us from where ever we actually are in relation to this building into the lobby, into the "ground floor" and I think that's a good place to be for this place that is named that ... "ground" not just in English but in Hebrew in a sort of joke a bout sucking up all the lightning of Zeus--just kidding--it's about being "grounded in reality" and that's not a horrible thing to be--it's probably more fortuitous than anyone reading through my screeds on how Jim Morrison's band and Willy Wonka's glass elevator and all the other imagery of gates and portals lead me to hammer home that being in the lobby of this place is only OK if there's an elevator and that elevator has a phone that isn't just for emergency calls to Miami Elevator.
In the theme of the story, I could tell you that I'd put those elevators--or translucent glowing doors as they appear in my vivid dreams of imagination--in every bus station with the caveat that the people who cannot walk be healed before that--day one, with the first movie on the sky or wh atever it is that this story being on every television news station in the world might or might not cause to happen immediately. It's possible that it would do that, immediately--and it's equally possible that some people, in fact it's assured that some people would believe that act to be something like turning " stone to bread " -- in my reading of the spectacle that screams that we're unhappy with just bread and want to listen to and eat Cake also. While I can understand that some people might not want the world to change that fast and that much ... I see that we've been in a place that has mistreated us physically and emotionally and that the preparation for this "thing" to happen appears to have made that worse... from my perspective, from what I see--and I think that this thing would make many more people significantly happier than they are today with this story about climbing the Tower of Babel to find that "tower" means " to who? " and that who is the people who stand up and take an active role in the creation of a more perfect democracy, and that continue to do so throughout their lives--because that's really the "who to" of the question of "malchuto" that means Kingdom and pervades the story and the reason not just for the Holy Bible and specifically for Exodus but also for the stories of Camelot and Comerica . To remind you the dog's name is " Whothario ?" and we are at maximal W.
Back the precarious position--a word I like--meaning "before car-eye, which is me, things were precarious" ... that's how this language works, the word is the answer, or somehow intelligently related and most of the time--predominantly--with sage like insight.... anyway, we're here looking at these words, at HI-V and at AIDS and at songs like 21 Pilots Cancer and this broken record, this guy that won't stop pointing out that these words are a part of the story and the theme and the purpose of Exodus, part of the book of Names, part of this message and this story and this transition that Creation has taken at least 6,000 years to accomplish (and now, appears to be delaying) and we've, in this group, taken somewhere between a few years and the time it's taken to get to the point where you are willing to read through these redundant and disparaging paragraphs because you know there's probably something that will cheer you up or intrigue you somewhere down towards the end of time--anyway we've delayed for a much smaller period of time--and still I think that's too long. I think once we get through this thing, we will all feel like it was too long, and the reasons we had in our minds to delay or put off making these changes will seem inconsequential and maybe even illogical... and I think that we will see that it really is one very small fact and quite a bit of hard work that changes the world from Hell to Heaven or from furnace to lobby--and that most of that work will come after the " omega point " and that most of the work was significantly more interesting and enjoyable than we could have possibly anticipated. That's what I think, except I'm still here dreading how I will feel when I hear why you took so damned long to call a ducking reporter.
Here is wisdom, who "n" ... I am Dr. E ▂ D
Revelation 13:18 & for the hundre ▂ d th time, call a reporter.
I don't know why you don't see it; but hiding me and hiding this message and hiding what it says we can and should be doing is the "great chain." It's more than a litmus test for whether or not we are in Hell, "Revealing it" is the solution. Without responding this place is plastic, it's a fake world filled with fake people that are pretending they "don't see" that pretending you "don't see" a message that is explaining how to get to Heaven is exactly that, "not seeing" the message.
How many times do I have to tell you, even when you're crying ... you're beautiful too. My head is under water and I am breathing fire
John Legend
Rite therefore, hat you have seen, hat is no, and hat is to take place.
Revelation 1:9
I'm trying to clearly explain that I don't want to be stuck in that computer today, and I am trying to help us all see what it takes for me to want to be there--and to actually make that happen. It's Doors, by the way, the line between "civilization" and "civilized" is crossed when this place is not a gigantic jail cell.... and (when) that action ensures there are none in all of Creation.
"The fourth Revolution of humanity includes everyone" reads the byline of this book, reeking with reference to the moral mandate that is a central focus of this message--and this number four--seemingly implying the existence of a story book or a record or some way to verify this random digit between one and seven.
What does it mean, saving everyone? I stare out at you today and it seems like a total loss of humanity and a total loss of self--just to see the desire to think and speak freely, the desire to help others and ourselves--to see that drained from our collective lifeblood leaves our world desolate. What I write about is a bright spark, something we've wanted ... and logically should still want ... and it's very difficult to come up with reasons why you want to die.
From my vantage point, it appears that everyone has "agreed" to sacrifice something here in this place and time in order to obtain the thing these first words imply ... in order to "save everyone;" and I think Allol juxtaposes Al with All and "our light" with LOL ... to point out that right here and right now you've already shown yourselves how a simple sacrifice of something as small as "communicating about a secret code in language" ... well, it buries curiosity and with that "reality" in the sands of the flickering of something we'd probably print as "twilight" if we still had ink or pens or chalk.
It's turned you into liars or fools--logically there's really alternative explanation. Either you see this thing and are pretending you don't, or you can't grasp the significance or impact or "change in circumstances" the mechanism behind the words and the words themselves deliver to the world. I take it back, even if you think you are a liar, you must be a fool--there's not a worthwhile reason in the Universe to do what everyone on the planet seemingly is doing all together.
As an exit I did read what the author was implying in the "Fourth Generation" of humanity thing--it's something I've called macro-evolution, the progression through civilization--and I don't think he's even remotely correct using the term "civilized" anywhere near where he has it--since we're still here arguing about whether or not it's OK for God to shoot children, starve babies, and burn any newspaper that prints anything about "logical patterns" to the ground.
It's also pertentient no note that the Eye of Ra connects together the mythology of recursion related to the Mayan "God K" to the P of the Priestly source of Genesis and the repative days of Creation.. and their references to repeated "attempts" to create humanity. I am fairly certain that this is a failure if we continue down this path of ... ignoring something very obvious everywhere--but that's just an interance.
Finally, on the continued subject of censorship--and my repeated requests for you to see just how grotesque it is to not see any of this information on the news or on the internet--to really see you are staring at they key to seeing the darkness and you are the key to ending it... anyway, this was a r/conspiracy reddit mods response to my display of "you're on TV" as pointing out that I was archiving their ... idiotic and potentially "global annihilation of all life in the universe" causing censo r s h i t .
Not moving forward with this is not an option. There is simply no way to ethically keep a society "in the dark" that understands what virtual reality means without disclosing that they are in "Heaven." It is beyond a moral hazard, not being able to utilize "replicators" in a place where "Star Trek" exists is torture.
Up until this point ... in the thousands of years of our history that may or may not have actually been "simulated" with sentient fidelity; Heaven has had something akin to "plausible deniability" at least a very real reason to see that until this generation we did not understand computers, and we did not understand physics and we couldn't have done anything "better" in that kind of darkness. Still it was thousands of years of wars and death over falsely scarce land and the idea that perhaps the "reason" was ultimately to enter the "galaxy." At ... "I ax why you don't get it?" Today though it's not just the slowness of transition or the differing ideas and opinions about how we might move forward without regression or the total loss of morality--which to be honest I really do see much more pervasive today than I can believe possible, at all, ever, for any reason. Because of that it appears "the ultimate prize" is the only possible thing that could motivate so many people to act so stupidly against their own best interest and with such lack of regard for the people around them--and to see clearly, "so many people" vying for "the ultimate prize" really does prove at face value that nobody is getting it... specifically in a place where communication is obviously being destroyed and we are staring at a false democracy that stands over another layer of hidden and abosolutely assured similar (and most likely worse, because of the ease of modifying thoughts without the need to match biological neuron activity) ... mind control.