The lore of "Huracan" says that he repeatedly invoked the name of Earth, to me it sounds like crying in the dark for a better place; and to see that he is I, begging to do this again, well, it might tell you something about the "other place." I sit here invoking "the day" over and over, with every email I send and every song I sing on the street; with every eye I gaze into as the drivers pass and glance back, and nod, and sometimes smiles and sometimes frown. It's taken me awhile to connect the dots, and realize that what I see on the streets, and in your lack of response has some implications for "the day;" it's taken awhile for that to lead to fear of the possibility that you aren't very happy with me--and I don't really know why.
we're headed for mars, and still we stand tall... this is the final countdown.
delusion I'm talking about is pretty clearly defined in the name Earth, which like Adamah in Hebrew means "
ground" and with no insight at all it might
trick you into thinking that has something to do with reality. Grounded in reality, though, the message that is pervading everything we are from the pyramids to
every single word to The Fifth Element's link between the number 14 and "A.D." and Silicon tells us very much that the true test of time is to see what it is that we do with
the truth, and just before that whether or not anyone wants to
help us see and act on it.

simple to understand, dear simians, in everything from "Damon-day" to Lisa Simpson, I've literally had to walk 500 miles just to be the man who opened enough eyes to the truth to see Silicon alluded to in everything that we do. I've seen the "beast coming up out of the sea" and it's clear as day that it's both you and me. It's this confrontation that our map calls "Jerusalem" and at it's heart not really the USA but closer to our heart a question about whether or not the truth is still paramount. Between KeyAnu and Christopher, though, the question at hand is much more important then "what is the Matrix?" as we have the answer to that; but rather what do we do with this new disclosure?

Here in the epic heart of Creation, the world swirling around the letters "a for Adam" and "r for Heart" of not just the Earth but the Ark; the answers are truly all around us, and it takes not more a moment to see that is all by design. It takes a few more hours of reading to be very sure they've been here for a very long time; and over the course of our lives, literally, together with spirits unknown we've learned the science and the "how" behind understanding what it is that Heaven means in juxtaposition with reality... and here and now we are beginning (hopefully) to see and feel what it means with regard to our society.
If you didn't think religion and free speech were tied together by more than just the First Amendment, take a good look at the message that I am bringing; and see why it is that the Darkness of Exodus and the Wall of Jericho and the Great Firewall of China and Carnivore ... are all about more than "eating packets" (rather than just "
sniffing around") but in this case eating "Ha'm" eating the Holy message that delivers us from slavery. It's not hard, is it, to see how that message revolves around the Ministry of Truth and around our complete failure to
use antitrust laws to break the hegemonic corporatocracy's control over the mass media?

Just another brick in the wall or part of a
bridge to Heaven truly understanding that something
not here has held back the natural evolution of democracy through the
advent of the telephone and the computer, and that even today, we stand staring at "
electronic voting booths" as if they are protecting us from the "
dangerous freedom of the internet." As we wonder about the elephant and the
donkey of Noah's Ark and ponder whether or not "two of every kind" is really good enough to represent our interests and our desires; a new kind of political system seems to just pop out of the old boat something like I had envisioned Heaven just popping out of the New Jerusalem had the United States proper not done everything in it's power to keep me from leaving the country. Of course in hindsight, it's just another step in the ladder to freedom and open borders and open discussions; and a place where I now see that Jerusalem was always about people and ideas, not countries.
So here, I'm talking a little bit about
the problem I hear, between "
let freedom sing" and the doublespeak and doublethink of Orwell's
nightmare that has given us a bountiful cornucopia of people's dreams and ideas hidden away in this thing that we call "fiction" here, though it's temporally closer to reality than anyone ever really knew. The solution to the problem,
without further ado, is of course seeing "
hey Adam"
on television.
You see, there's something very different between hiding the truth behind "fiction" and innuendo, and actually talking, discussing the things that become truly possible with the knowledge that they are actually real. Roxana, a "grab my ass" exclusive?